Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada - RTCSN

Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada - RTCSN

Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada – RTCSN

The Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada (RTC) is a regional entity that oversees public transportation, traffic management, roadway design and construction funding, transportation planning and regional planning efforts known as Southern Nevada Strong. As the Las Vegas Valley’s population continues to increase daily, so too does traffic congestion and the RTC identifies transportation challenges and explores and implements both short and long-term resolutions while simultaneously promoting sustainability, air quality improvement, enhanced mobility and increased quality of life in the region. On July 3, 2004, RTC became the official administrator of FAST. The Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) and the RTC became full-fledged funding partners, contributing to the operations and management of FAST. In spring 2015, the RTC also became the administrator of Southern Nevada Strong, the valley’s first and only regional plan to build complete communities that provide transportation choices, employment opportunities, housing options and quality education.

RTC Goals

  • Implement transportation systems that improve air quality in Southern Nevada;
  • Develop fully integrated modal options;
  • Integrate the system geographically
  • Secure funding for expansion, operation, and maintenance of systems and routes;
  • And enhance public awareness and support of the regional transportation system.

The RTC provides mass transit that connects throughout Southern Nevada and administers programs that encourage sustainability, such as Club Ride Commuter Services that promotes walking, biking, carpooling, vanpooling and taking transit to and from work.  As a public agency, the RTC has a great responsibility to the community and therefore recruits and retains only the best and brightest people in the industry.  RTC representatives are motivated to achieve excellence and strengthen the agency’s community investment by striving to attain key objectives.